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Monday, December 8, 2014


I am hosting a Houseparty for Hasbro Games!  I received all of these great games and party items for FREE!  I am so excited to have fun with all of these games with family and friends!  Let the games begin!

Crowdtap Missions

Crowdtap is a service that matches you with companies that want people to test, review, and answer simple questions about products and preferences.  You are entered into contests for free gift cards for participating and active participants can qualify to test products for free in exchange for simple challenges such as taking photos and reviewing the products.  I have received several of these missions and have really enjoyed them.  Here are some of my more recent missions.

  Scott Naturals Tubeless Toilet Tissue

I just tested this Toilet Tissue for a Crowdtap mission sponsored by Scott.  This is a new take on making their product green without sacrificing quality.  It was a high quality tissue and the missing tube went virtually unnoticed.  I feel that buying this toilet tissue is a very easy way to help the environment out by being a little greener.  I will definitely buy this product again.  I am being green without sacrificing quality...so why not?